Knit Lit

Baby and switch

The Modern Baby Blanket baby will be born today. They went into the hospital this morning, and we are very anxious to here from the proud Papa. We know it is a boy to be named Noah. I love babies!
Not much progress with the shawl. I have set a goal, though. I am taking this next week off from work for Spring Break. I am making it my goal to finish by next weekend. I think I am having triangleshawlitis. You start at the bottom of a shawl and it goes very very quickly. You are happy, thinking this was a good idea. It is so pretty and quick. Then, you get about halfway through it and realize the rows are getting bigger! Yup. It is a very tricky business knitting these shawls from the bottom up. It is like when you see the phone/internet/cable ads. Yes, you can have high speed internet access for just $19.99 a month. After you get all excited and start planning long weekends surfing the internet in the luxury of your own bed …. you find out that the $19.99 is only for the first 3 months, then the regular $69.99 a month kicks in. Or, you must also have your phone and mobile service with them as well. I tell you, it is a sham!
Well, anyway, I hope that I will be able to finish this week. I think it might be the spring air that is doing it to me, but I find I have hope that this project will be done. And honestly, I think the joy of this is coming back to me. I love the spring. Or maybe it is because my birthday is in three days, and I have yarn on the way! ; )

March 13, 2008 Posted by | Uncategorized | 1 Comment